Monday, March 26, 2012


An illustration I made and edited on photoshop to show how the painting will look on a brown canvas. I think I will make the white layer with a stencil and make it intentionally messy, then paint neatly on top with black paint.  Realistically I might just make this painting, the drip canvas and my 10 digital print series. Let me know what you think...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Drips - By Sam

Me and Rob have been going to this graffiti spot in tay ho to spraypaint.  The top photo is my drip pattern with spraycans and the bottom is a natural pipe leak from the roof. I'm thinking about how I could use the drip pattern in a piece for the show. It could look nice just with a range of green cans on a canvas or maybe another element involved too. I want to make it look really natural like the pipe leak...

PENCIL illustration, Gregory Brellochs - Sophie

GREEN CARPET, Gaëlle Villedary - STEVEN

Mood and tone for my artwork - STEVEN

ALEXIS ANNE MCKENZIE collages - Sophie

I shew you already these weird vegetal collages.

ANDY GOLDSWORTHY photographs - Sophie

Site-specific sculpture and land art situated in natural settings.
Might be an idea for installations, but maybe it is too much "natural".